Tag: apple
A short list of things that make me want to buy an iPad
Instapaper 4.0 The Guardian Flipboard, still Tabbed browsing in Safari Facebook Lugging a 15.4-inch laptop around to meetings Any better reasons?
iPad Usability: First Findings From User Testing
Web usability guru Jakob Nielsen thinks your innovative iPad UI is too “weird.” I think he should, just maybe, stop worrying about a “back” button. iPad Usability: First Findings From User Testing
Mark Fiore can win a Pulitzer Prize, but he can’t get his iPhone cartoon app past Apple’s satire police
Awkward, isn’t it, Apple? To censor the App Store, keeping it free from the offensive nature of these Pulitzer Prize winning political cartoons? Mark Fiore can win a Pulitzer Prize, but he can’t get his iPhone cartoon app past Apple’s satire police
A Newsstand for the Tablet that might work
“Newsstand” by triin on Flickr. Mario Garcia probably believes the lifespan (halflife?) of print newspapers will stretch out ever so slightly longer than I believe, but I’m constantly inspired by his original thought about the problems associated with sustaining any version of the existing structure of journalism, assuming for the moment that it’s a good…
Zipcar finally puts iPhone app in drive
I’ve never used Zipcar but hear it’s awesome. Now you can find the nearest available car, make a reservation, and unlock the door with an iPhone app. Zipcar finally puts iPhone app in drive
Hippo Hooray! – Handcrafted iPhone apps to educate and entertain your little one.
Hippo Hooray! – Handcrafted iPhone apps to educate and entertain your little one.
Using iPod Nano for video interviews
Mindy McAdams gives the new iPod Nano video camera a test drive. Using iPod Nano for video interviews
Repackaging the unbundled
Scott Karp (yes, he’s my boss over at the office) is more fascinated than I am about Google’s new FastFlip, but he’s wisely focusing on the fact that it’s an experiment with a new user experience for online news, and not implying that it’s something poised to Save Journalism. Scott’s latest post on the topic…
Extracting audio in iMovie ‘08 – Innovation in College Media
Extracting audio in iMovie ‘08 – Innovation in College Media