Election Day

⚠️ This post is more than five years old. Links may rot, opinions may change, and context might be missing. Proceed with cautious optimism.

I wish it were on a Sunday, but here it Tuesday, and it’s time to get off your ass and go to the polls.


Still don’t know where to show up to do so? Check here.

Last time I wrote my “get off your ass and go to the polls” post, I heard back that a few of my friends actually did so, which only encourages this sort of behavior on my part.

Lucky me, Shaminder has already done the dirty work of explaining to you just how important every vote (including yours) can be in an election.

So, I’m left with the task of telling you who to vote for I’m voting for.

Here goes. I’m writing this down as I go along, I suggest you do the same. Take a cheat sheet to the voting booth so you don’t need to remember the difference between Proposition 4-H and Proposition 138 at the last second.

  • Governor: Camejo
  • Lt. Gov: Garamendi
  • Sec. of State: Bowen
  • Controller: Chiang
  • Treasurer: Lockyer
  • Atty. Gen.: Brown
  • Ins. Commish: Bustamante
  • Board of Equal.: Betty Yee, or the Democrat in your district
  • Senate: Feinstein
  • House: Sam Farr, or the Democrat in your district.
  • State Senate: The Democrat in your district.
  • State Assembly: John Laird, or the Democrat in your district.
  • 1A: No
  • 1B: Yes
  • 1C: Yes
  • 1D: Yes
  • 1E: Yes
  • 83: NO
  • 84: Yes
  • 85: NO
  • 86: YES
  • 87: YES
  • 88: Yes
  • 89: Yes
  • 90: No
  • Santa Cruz School Superintendent: Watkins
  • Santa Cruz City Council: Van Allen, Mathews, Kenyatta
  • Santa Cruz School Board: Thorsett, Strimling, Maxwell, Hawthorne
  • Santa Cruz Port District: Smith, Goddard
  • Santa Cruz Measure G: YES
  • Santa Cruz Measure H: Yes
  • Santa Cruz Measure I: Yes
  • Santa Cruz Measure J: No
  • Santa Cruz Measure K: No

Okay, now get off your ass and go vote. If I don’t see you with a little American flag “I Voted” sticker later, I’m going to be pissed.

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