, a news site that provides specialized seaches and feeds for the topics and locations of your choice, has begun to include results from a pool of 15,000 blogs in its results, according to this story on the Weblog.
So that’s why I saw a post I had tagged “Greensboro” in Topix’s North Carolina page…
Not that Topix is some sort of mainstream media icon or anything, but you get the idea. Information comes from everywhere, and if I’m looking for information, I want it from everywhere. If you want to subscribe to Topix feeds in your RSS reader, just do a search and look for the by-now-familiar orange XML icon on the left sidebar. For a news feed on SJSU, subscribe to
On a related note, if you’re working on a particular topic and want to find a bazillion sources to start doing research on it, try Chris Pirillo’s search engine.
In fact, you don’t even need to click on that link, go to the page, enter something in the search box, and click on “search.” Don’t bother.
Just enter the words you’re looking for, separated with periods, into your browser’s URL bar, followed by
For example, for a search on SJSU, just point your browser to Sources are varied and numerous, and if you want to just dump all of that into your RSS reader, just add /opml to the URL and download the file. Then add that file to your aggregator as you would for any opml file, and you’re subscribed.
[tags]topix, blogs[/tags]