If you’re reading this, you’ve probably been on one side (or quite possibly the other) of an exchange that goes something like this:
PERSON AT NEWSPAPER WITH WEB-RELATED JOB: Sentinel, this is Ryan, how can I help you?
USER: Your website’s all wrong.
PANWWRJ: Really? What’s wrong?
USER: You don’t use XMLT 4.1. It’s still on 4.05. And your feeds are all gunked up with UTF-7. And your reporters talk too much about the city council. They should be writing stories about what the county commission is doing to the street in front of my house! And why can’t I read your forums on my jailbroken Palm Pilot? I can read the [LARGE NEWSPAPER LOCATED ON A DIFFERENT CONTINENT]’s blogs on it just fine.
PANWWRJ: Interesting.
Fun, right? Right? Guys?
OK, so maybe it isn’t that much fun to take that call.
But why do we get them? Do print readers give us as much input? What’s the ratio of letters-to-the-editor sent by mail to the number of website comments expressing an opinion on an issue?
Paul Ford, who you might vaguely remember as the guy responsible for scanning and cataloging the archives of Harper’s a few years back, has given the phenomenon illustrated in the above call transcript a name:
Why Wasn’t I Consulted?
Read his piece on the Web as a customer service medium. Now. Go ahead. I’ll wait.
To loosely paraphrase, summarize, and otherwise interpret his thesis, for those of you that insisted on continuing to scan this post without pause:
The Web, and related communication methods, provide the instant gratification of a little “swoosh” sound as we send our opinions off into the ether, and a “ding” as they arrive in inboxes, as text messages, or even a handsome little bit of javascript that refreshes a “thumbs up” count next to a comment on a news article as we mash the little thumb in earnest, albeit truncated, appreciation of what’s been said.
Instant gratification.
Funny thing about instant gratification, however, is that it’s the perfect way to set the expectation that my swooshing e-mail, my dinging text message, and my refreshing little thumbs-up have an effect, a value, an importance. When my vote is added to the poll results, I feel I have been consulted on the issue.
Here’s Paul Ford on “Why Wasn’t I Consulted”:
It is the rule from which other rules are derived. Humans have a fundamental need to be consulted, engaged, to exercise their knowledge (and thus power), and no other medium that came before has been able to tap into that as effectively.
Let’s go back to our call transcript, and see what our news website user is trying to express, exactly.
USER: I am important, and my opinion matters.
PERSON AT NEWSPAPER WITH WEB-RELATED JOB: Of course you are, and it does. Honest.
USER: So next time you decide to upgrade your webserver to Venus 5.89 instead of Mars 4.12, you should ask me about it first. Why Wasn’t I Consulted? I probably know more than you about it, anyway.
Sound familiar?
“My readers know more than I do.” — Dan Gillmor
So if we’ve established that the Web is the best medium ever to feed the “Why Wasn’t I Consulted?” need, and we’ve established that in the broad, overarching sense of the relationship of a single reporter to the public at large connected by the Web, that our readers know more than we do, what are we doing to tap into that need and that knowledge?
Well, there’s an obvious spot on news sites where we can tap in, but we don’t always.
Comment threads.
A few ideas:
- At the bare minimum, it’s easy to recommend that reporters pay some amount of attention to comment threads on the stories they report.
- Giving users an up and down voting mechanism on individual comments is probably also a prerequisite to doing this efficiently.
- From there, your reporters should now have a way to sort comments based on the thumbing-up users have taken care of for you. (Wasn’t that nice of them?)
- Now, rather than jumping in to rehash, argue, or troll-feed the problem users (whose comments have now been voted down, and in an ideal world of commenting systems, you’ve collapsed and made all but invisible in the thread), your reporters can evaluate the best comments in the thread and participate, clarify, answer questions, or even just say “Hey, thanks, that’s a great idea and we’ll look into it.”
- That’s that kind of feedback that meets a user’s WWIC need at a much higher level. Even if you’re just engaging users to say “thank you,” they’re now participating in a conversation instead of a one-way rant/complaint/critique, and are likely to behave accordingly.
If you’re a social media manager, or a community manager, or an online editor, or a web producer, or bear the weight of some other title that involves this sort of work, you’re probably already doing this, right?
More to think about
Metafilter founder Matt Haughey — and if you know anything about Metafilter, you know they do WWIC right — tells a story about spending a few hours in an airport with Craig Newmark:
“He was literally chasing down forum spammers one by one, sometimes taking five minutes per problem, sometimes it seemed to take half an hour to get spammers dealt with. He was totally engrossed in his work, looking up IP addresses, answering questions best he could, and doing the kind of thankless work I’d never seen anyone else do with so much enthusiasm.”
Is that how you handle customer service?
If not, what sort of software and systems would make the job easier?
2 responses to “Customer service, community management, and comment threads”
While I think this is great advice (as usual), two things: the call described above is almost entirely a technical call and has little to do with the commenting process described, and would likely come from a member of a very tiny subset of users. Not that this means the comment should be ignored, only that it should go to a tech person rather than a content person. (Yes, often it is the same person, but in an ideal world the time an online editor spends banging on the tubes would be limited.) And it should get different treatment in a WWIC framework than one focused on content.
Second, Gilmor’s quote refers to readers’ aggregate knowledge being greater rather than every individual reader’s store of info. It should be a stance against disdaining input from the hoi polloi and for engagement of the sort you describe.
[…] organized around the central question, “Why wasn’t I consulted?” Ryan Sholin applied the concept to online […]