Today, on the first full day of Summer, I played the Bisy Backson, jogging to catch the bus this morning, dizzying myself by reading feeds and email on the bus, picking up forms at Student Services to drop and add Summer classes, calling professors, getting forms signed at offices, finishing the reading for today’s Anthrolpology class, showing up at the Registrar to submit my forms, finding out after the buttons were pushed to finalize the transaction that I now owed $591.00 for the pleasure, spending my now-vanished lunchtime arguing my case to the Bursar, getting the highway-robbery-undeclared-and-unexpected additional tuition charges toned down, checking the school book store to find no used copies left of the book for the new class, calling the wife to tell her about developments along the way, collapsing into class having eaten about 1/3 of my lunch, walking around listening to a This Week in Tech podcast while waiting in lines and traversing the blocks surrounding SJSU, taking a quiz, getting one back, taking notes on three separate lecture topics, calling the local University-friendly used bookstore to buy the last used copy over the phone during a break in class, but the class is wonderful and ended with a mind-blowing ethnographic interview session – we were wisely separated according to how recently our families had immigrated and then broken into pairs with someone from the opposite group – and then hustling to the aforementioned secondary book store to pick up the aforementioned textbook for the aforementioned recently added class, hustling back to the bus stop to confirm that, yes, the Highway 17 bus had passed by right on time, five minutes previously, and then to stroll off more leisurely to my karmic reward for this day: a shady spot on a bench adjacent to the Tower Lawn, where I now write in peace.
Happy first full day of Summer, all…Things are busy, but I’ll be back soon…