Year: 2024
November 2024, milestones and activities
Two months into a transitional period on the way to my goal of working full-time in sustainability, I’ve been keeping busy with calls, reading, research, and other projects. Selected milestones and activities during November 2024, by the numbers: What’s next for me:Finishing some reading, taking a Green Software Practitioner course to see how much I’ve…
Technological Determinism and Manifest Destiny
I still find myself running into conversations where people are skeptical about the use cases, benefits, and wisdom of using Generative AI. I don’t think this is a case where we can ignore a technology (kudos to you if you completely sat out Web3 NFTs), but I find myself thinking about the assumption that AI…
Introducing Overt Impact
tl;dr: I’m launching my consulting business today to help big companies answer big questions about Sustainability, AI, and WordPress Architecture. Throughout my career, I’ve built experience and expertise on a wide range of topics all centered around content and marketing technology on the web. In many cases, I’ve developed well-informed strong opinions on certain topics,…
What I’m Reading, Early November 2024
Sometimes, you just need to go through your many, many open tabs and find the good stuff. And then share it. You do share the good stuff, right? Here are three things I’m reading and a useful tool.
October 2024, by the numbers
Yesterday was four weeks since my last day at Automattic, and I’ve been keeping busy. Selected Activities since October 3, 2024, by the numbers: What’s next for me:Registering an LLC, grabbing a domain, and opening a bank account to get set up for a consulting business. A question for you: If you’ve done consulting work, how…
How to be a natural at sales
💡Something struck me while I was listening to this excellent 20VC podcast from Harry Stebbings with AJ Tennant (from Glean, ex-Slack, ex-Meta): Their points on how and when to build different sales functions and verticals were right on, and I wish everyone I worked with in 2018-2019 knew then what AJ Tennant knows now. (Everyone…
Frequently Asked Questions about Enterprise WordPress
One interesting thing about leaving a job and looking for a new job and reconnecting with old colleagues from other companies and talking to new people when networking is that you end up talking about the job you just left quite a bit to explain what you’ve been doing for the past seven years. I’m…
What I learned last week
Oh, I guess that title sounds a little too dramatic, maybe? As if it’s about some big thing that happened? No, I just want to log some of what I’m learning on this break between day jobs. Linked, in. My “professional news” post on LinkedIn from Oct. 4 has done some numbers: 15,000+ views as…
What I’m Hearing; How I’m Learning
Back in the dark ages of Web 2.0, I worked at a startup called Publish2, where we gave bloggers (mostly journalists) tools to curate links and publish them in the sidebar of their blogs. “What I’m Reading” became the easy-to-understand shorthand title for these handy widgets, and this was interesting right up to the point…