Year: 2015

  • P E R S O N A L   N E W S

    Seriously, when did we start calling new job news “personal news” and why? It’s professional news. It’s just me, getting a new job. Personal news is “we adopted a dog” (we did!) or “we’re having another kid” (we’re not!) or maybe “we’re moving to New York” (also not happening!). But other things *are* happening. Personal…

  • Elsewhere, recently, blogging

    Remember when I remembered blogging? Hard to believe that was almost four months ago, but there it is. Meanwhile… Here’s what I did after I posted that real live actual blog post on my blog here at I wrote a Medium post from my phone. It was about Sleater-Kinney and writing and content management…

  • Remember blogging?

    Cracks me up. Every time. Not sure how it started, but my top skill of “Top Skills” on LinkedIn is Blogging. Remember blogging? Every now and then someone tells that joke. The one that goes “Remember blogs?” Ha. Ha ha. It’s funny, because the blogs won, and most of the websites/apps/screenthings we use on a…