Year: 2011
An A1 centerpiece without a headline
Today’s Newark Star-Ledger centerpiece story runs without a headline. Intentionally: Charles Apple notes a piece of engaging print design on the front page. It’s a seemingly banal photograph with three grafs of text above it that draw the reader in, revealing at their close the backstory of the image. It works well.
Open source tools from the Chicago Tribune news apps team
Recent open source work and other projects we’re excited about: Free open source tools from the Chicago Tribune news apps team. Census, Twitter, regional boundary data, etc.
How to make a heatmap in Google Fusion Tables
How to make a heatmap in Google Fusion Tables: Seems useful!
In which you can hear the Internet breathing heavily on a hot day
PBS hacked, new Twitter stuff, new Google stuff, new Apple stuff, constant flow of new Facebook stuff, that guy who had that other guy’s computer, a thousand horrifying tornado photo galleries, continuing viral revolutions in the Middle East, Instagram. It’s too hot for this, Internet. (I’d link, but I don’t want to break anything.)
A Feltron Report for your Facebook
Social Memories: an Infographic Book of your Facebook Activity: Your very own Feltron report, if you don’t mind that it’s limited to all the information it can get from your Facebook account.
Daniel Bachhuber’s notes on Advanced WordPress
Workshop: Advanced WordPress with NYU’s Studio20: Daniel Bachhuber’s notes from a workshop with Jay Rosen’s students. Sound basics and key points of entry for advanced manipulation of content types, version control, and (as always with Daniel) a metadata layer of his thoughts on education.
“Cleaning up the comment cesspool”
Cleaning up the comment cesspool: Ventura County Star editor Joe Howry has penned what is either the most eloquent column a newspaper has ever published on the problem of comment threads and trolls — or the most cliché-laden — or possibly, both. If you can get past that, it’s an interesting approach they’re taking: They…