The oldest of my blogs*, imported

⚠️ This post is more than five years old. Links may rot, opinions may change, and context might be missing. Proceed with cautious optimism.

I’ve just used the “Import” function in WordPress 2.0 to add to this blog the first few posts I wrote over on a Blogger blog back in February of last year. Apparently, my first post (not counting a cryptic one-line introduction from December of 2003 that sat idle for 13 months or so) was about Steve Sloan’s visit to an Internet Information Gathering class I was in. About nine days after that, I got Scobleized.

To nose around, just click on February 2005 in the archives…

*(Oldest, not counting the piles of rambling-and-ranting-prose-and-poetry dead-tree notebooks that date back to halfway through tenth grade.)