…reading my feeds, that is.
Tuesday, on the way home from school Highway 17 bus style, I was making a first attempt at writing while riding, and managed to do it without any great amount of nausea. As the bus pulled into Scotts Valley, I flipped on the wi-fi switch just to see how many networks were floating around. Lo and behold, as we pull into the bus station itself, I get a decent connection and check my email.
So this morning, I was alert enough to get the machine running just in time, then popped around my bloglines page and grabbed a bunch of feeds to read on the ride. Yay Scotts Valley! Yay wireless! Yay nausea! Ahem. Make that: Boo Nausea!
A few highlights from the morning read:
- Scoble is still on the defensive about Chinese Democracy, among other things.
- Prof. Dunleavy posts some fantastic advice for photojournalists (and most other humans) from Kim Komenich.
- Globocentric (no, let’s not call it globophilia) blogger Ethan Zuckerman did some conference-blogging earlier this week at PUSH 2005: check out what Jerry Michalski had to say about intellectual heretics in history.