Tag: yahoo
11 Newspaper Companies Partner with Real Estate Giant Zillow.com – E&P
“Real estate advertisers who place their ads in local papers will have the option to put their listing and open houses on Zillow. Newspapers will be able to use Zillow’s platform to enhance their online sites.” 11 Newspaper Companies Partner with Real Estate Giant Zillow.com – E&P
Reflections of a Newsosaur: Yahoo! for Yahoo?
“Newspaper publishers who partnered with Yahoo are seeing such significant online sales increases that they could start producing positive over-all revenue gains as early as 2009, says one Wall Street analyst.” Reflections of a Newsosaur: Yahoo! for Yahoo?
The journalism program we’ve all been waiting for
The Knight Foundation handed out some money today, notably to Henry Jenkins and company at MIT and Mr. Holovaty, who is getting plenty of press for his jump from WaPo to startup. But just a little lower on the list, you’ll find the future in the form of a grant to the Medill J-School at…
Badger : Badge Any RSS Feed With Yahoo! Pipes – Brewster’s Field Guide to Web 2.666
An alternate to using a Feedburner javascript widget to run a multiple-feeds-in-one list of headlines anywhere. Yahoo Pipes-driven. Badger : Badge Any RSS Feed With Yahoo! Pipes – Brewster’s Field Guide to Web 2.666
5 cool ways to use Yahoo! Pipes – franticindustries.
More explorations of the new pipes. Lots of potential here, little time to toy with it… 5 cool ways to use Yahoo! Pipes – franticindustries.
phpYahoo Version 2.0 Released – phpYahoo
Something having to do with loading Yahoo APIs using PHP. Sounds handy. phpYahoo Version 2.0 Released – phpYahoo
Flickr: Forums: FlickrHelp: Official Old Skool Merge Topic
The long forum thread at Flickr about why they’re screwing everything up at once. Flickr: Forums: FlickrHelp: Official Old Skool Merge Topic
RConversation: Yahoo! Abomination.
Rebecca MacKinnon updates Yahoo’s China policy. Hint: It ain’t pretty. RConversation: Yahoo! Abomination.
Richard Bangs Adventures Presented by Yahoo!
Yahoo has signed up another world-traveling reporter, this time to revisit parts Asia hit by last year’s tsunami. Richard Bangs Adventures Presented by Yahoo!
TechCrunch » RSS is Now Integrated into Yahoo Mail and Alerts
Okay, I signed up for the beta and I’m waiting patiently for an invite, Yahoo… Anytime now… Still waiting… TechCrunch » RSS is Now Integrated into Yahoo Mail and Alerts