Tag: WikiLeaks
Yochai Benkler on Wikileaks
Benkler Wikileaks CRCL Working Paper: A draft of a Yochai Benkler paper on Wikileaks. If you’re familiar with the narrative as it stands, skip to “Part III: The Legal Framework,” where it starts to get interesting, especially if you’ve studied media law at all.
Notes on working With Wikileaks data from a New York Times developer
Notes on working With Wikileaks data from a New York Times developer: Working With Wikileaks by Jacob Harris. This is the blog post and presentation I was clamoring for at ONA2010 last year, when a morning keynote panel instead more or less revolved around the question of “Is Wikileaks journalism?”
Wikileaks and The New York Times
Wikileaks and The New York Times: Wade Keller confirms what I, for one, suspected about the relationship between the two. Assange was (mostly) treated as a source of data, but as with all sources, it’s a complicated relationship.
WikiLeaks and Tor: Moral use of an amoral system?
Reading the New Yorker’s piece on WikiLeaks, it’s hard to decide whether I’m reading about freedom fighters, skilled propagandists, or as is often the case, both. Without looking too deeply, although I have serious reservations about their editorial decisions from time to time, I believe in what WikiLeaks is trying to do, and I have since…
WikiLeaks and Julian Paul Assange
Reading the New Yorker’s piece on WikiLeaks, it’s hard to decide whether I’m reading about freedom fighters, skilled propagandists, or as is often the case, both. Without looking too deeply, I believe in what WikiLeaks is trying to do, but I’m profoundly worried to see here, for example, Tor server traffic mined for data. That’s…