Tag: pipes
Building communities from Twitter posts — Matt McAlister
Interesting method — run search.twitter.com feeds into a Yahoo Pipe and route that into Pligg, plus, spit a twitterfeed with a prefix back out to the mothership. Little to no code involved, but no database pivot points at the Pligg site (like usernames, tags, dates, etc.) I think. Building communities from Twitter posts — Matt…
Badger : Badge Any RSS Feed With Yahoo! Pipes – Brewster’s Field Guide to Web 2.666
An alternate to using a Feedburner javascript widget to run a multiple-feeds-in-one list of headlines anywhere. Yahoo Pipes-driven. Badger : Badge Any RSS Feed With Yahoo! Pipes – Brewster’s Field Guide to Web 2.666
5 cool ways to use Yahoo! Pipes – franticindustries.
More explorations of the new pipes. Lots of potential here, little time to toy with it… 5 cool ways to use Yahoo! Pipes – franticindustries.