Tag: javascript,
Using a WYSIWYG editor in the Django Admin interface – Django Days
Why yes, that is something I might like to do from time to time. Simple instructions. Using a WYSIWYG editor in the Django Admin interface – Django Days
Dodo’s Text Counter (requires jQuery)
Another jquery twitter-esque text countdown script. Starting with this for now, although I need ways to control what happens when the counter hits zero. Dodo’s Text Counter (requires jQuery)
5 JavaScript Tricks Made Easy with jQuery
A JS snippet to count down characters in a textbox, a la Twitter. 5 JavaScript Tricks Made Easy with jQuery
A List Apart: Articles: If I Told You You Had a Beautiful Figure…
Easy smart javascript to size images intelligently into your layout. A List Apart: Articles: If I Told You You Had a Beautiful Figure…
Grid Layout
Genius. This is a hunk of javascript to paste into pages you’re developing. As you’re designing, hit ctrol-shift-g to see an overlay of the grid you’ve set up. Wonderful. Grid Layout
YSlow for Firebug
Yahoo extension for Firebug for Firefox that will tell you why your Dreamweavered-to-death old skool tabled and script-heavy pages load so damn slow. YSlow for Firebug