Tag: html
College Publisher tip – JACC Blog
How to put a meta refresh tag in a story to use a headline to point straight to something else (like a multimedia presentation, for instance.) College Publisher tip – JACC Blog
Dump iframes and use object elements instead | 456 Berea Street
This is useful if you’re trying to bring a seriously old-school page up to date. Which I am. Dump iframes and use object elements instead | 456 Berea Street
Color Codes Matching Chart HTML (Pantone, CMYK, RGB Hex)
Useful color chart with hex codes. Color Codes Matching Chart HTML (Pantone, CMYK, RGB Hex)
The Form Assembly – Create and Process State-of-the-Art Web Forms
Easy and free help with form coding for your web pages. Useful. The Form Assembly – Create and Process State-of-the-Art Web Forms
DesignEducation.ca – Thousands of Design Resources
Lots and lots of web design stuff – css to flash and everything in between. DesignEducation.ca – Thousands of Design Resources
Dragon Labs | The Ultimate Tabbed Menu
Good tutorial and files for a nice tabbed menu css setup. Dragon Labs | The Ultimate Tabbed Menu
A List Apart: Articles: In Search of the Holy Grail
Yet another great tutorial on how to build the perfect 3 column layout. A List Apart: Articles: In Search of the Holy Grail