Tag: GoogleMaps
Making your first map
Excellent tutorial from Daniel Sato on using Google’s My Maps to build interactive maps with style. Making your first map
Maps, spreadsheets, yahoo pipes and post offices – andydickinson.net
A good tutorial on how to route data from a Google Spreadsheet (with no lat/long data) through Yahoo Pipes for geocoding purposes, and then out to Google Maps. One nitpick: I couldn’t get this to work with the RSS feed from Pipes; I used the KML instead. Maps, spreadsheets, yahoo pipes and post offices –…
Get Lat Lon – find the latitude and longitude of a point on a map
This is genius.Thanks, Simon. Get Lat Lon – find the latitude and longitude of a point on a map
Screencast: Drupal Mashup Machine | Zacker.org
Sounds like a fun way to put together a quick app, if you already have all these pieces sitting around the server. via dsato. Screencast: Drupal Mashup Machine | Zacker.org
Google LatLong: YouTube-style Embeddable Maps
As promised, no need for third-party web maps apps anymore. Google trumps. Embeddable My Maps with lots of features. Bow down before Mountain View’s master plan. Google LatLong: YouTube-style Embeddable Maps
Google’s embeddable map feature out next week – Sydney Morning Herald
Damn this is going to be pleasant. Build Google Maps with photos and video and whatever else you want embedded in them at Google Maps and then embed them on your site. Google’s embeddable map feature out next week – Sydney Morning Herald
Baltimore Homicides – baltimoresun.com
That’s a good, clean homicide map. I like that it’s not muddled with any standard news site nav or templating, but at some point, someone’s going to ask us to put some ad positions in apps like this. Baltimore Homicides – baltimoresun.com