Tag: firefox
In Firefox, In Google Reader – Snook.ca
How to cut down on clicks when subscribing to an RSS feed using Google Reader in Firefox. Useful! In Firefox, In Google Reader – Snook.ca
The Yammer Blog – Get Your YammerFox
“This lightweight Firefox extension places a small Yammer logo in the lower right corner of your Firefox browser. When new messages arrive, YammerFox pops up a small window displaying the message. You can click the Yammer logo to display a list of the last twenty messages, reply, or post new messages.” The Yammer Blog –…
Interesting little tool to find related links to add to your blog posts (or news stories???) Zemanta
Firefox Extensions cause Memory Leaks and Crashes – CyberNet News
I read this, tweaked a couple things, and suddenly Firefox is brilliantly fast again. Thanks, CyberNet News, whoever you are! Firefox Extensions cause Memory Leaks and Crashes – CyberNet News
OneClick for WordPress – Anirudh Sanjeev
Install plugins and themes from a right-click context menu in Firefox. Very tempting. OneClick for WordPress – Anirudh Sanjeev
YSlow for Firebug
Yahoo extension for Firebug for Firefox that will tell you why your Dreamweavered-to-death old skool tabled and script-heavy pages load so damn slow. YSlow for Firebug
Hack Attack: Supercharge your Gmail – Lifehacker
Firefox extension in lieu of Greasemonkey script does some cool things, like j/k thru conversations like you would in Google Reader. Hack Attack: Supercharge your Gmail – Lifehacker
Here’s where to download the “classic” delicious Firefox extension. You’ll need to disable or uninstall the newfangled one to switch back. The new one is great for searching, but adds extra steps for posting. Can’t have that. del.icio.us/help/firefox/extension