Tag: elephant in the room
Dealing with the elephant: Cutting ties to the legacy albatross
[Some time ago, I wrote a series of posts that attempted to address some of the revenue-related issues facing traditional news organizations and suggested some possible solutions to making incremental (and larger) changes that might help them stay profitable. For no good reason, I’m going to carry on the ill-advised, barely meaningful elephant metaphor (or…
Dealing with the elephant, elsewhere
Paul Bradshaw comes up with a list of 10 ways that ad sales people can save newspapers: “…how about a slot against the ‘most popular’ story of that minute (if it helps, think of it as the equivalent as the front page ad), second most popular, and so on (you could even auction these slots…
Dealing with the elephant: Build the software you need, then sell it.
This is the fourth post in a short series I’m pretty much done with about the business model for online news before I go back to my usual routine of pointing out the obvious to people wearing dark glasses. The starting point, the givens in the equation, are listed here. Suggest which windmill I should…
Dealing with the elephant: Hire Web-native salespeople
This is the third post in a short series I’m going to write about the business model for online news before I go back to my usual habit of banging my head up against walls made out of giant rolls of newsprint. The starting point, the givens in the equation, are listed here. Suggest what…
Dealing with the elephant: Incremental change
This is the second post in a short series I’m going to write about the business model for online news before I go back to my usual divisive blathering about how to avoid bureaucracy and feed trolls. The starting point, the givens in the equation, are listed here. Suggest what I should tackle next using…
Dealing with the elephant: Build a better business directory
This is the first in a short series I’m going to write about the business model for online news before I go back to my usual harangues at editors and rants at reporters, among others. The starting point, the givens in the equation, are listed here. Suggest what I should tackle next using the Skribit…
The business model is still the elephant in the room
As much fun as it is for me to make clever lists and shout from the hilltops about what I think your news organization should be doing, how they should be doing it, and why they should be doing it, no matter what argument I (or anyone else) has in favor of a certain technology…