Tag: community+sites
A List Apart: Articles: Coaching a Community
“We’ve all been part of communities since kindergarten, or earlier. Churches, schools, sports teams, and neighborhoods all satisfy basic human desires to interact with others and work toward a common goal. And yet, when these communities are online and we start to think of them as “social sites,” these concepts can suddenly feel foreign.” A…
An independent placeblog in Harrisonburg, Virginia. Among other features, there’s a group Twitter account. hburgnews.com
Create your own news site with XML | patrickbeeson.com
Create your own news site with XML | patrickbeeson.com
Thinking about media as a platform – Matt McAlister
A short explanation of how interactivity can change the game. Get off the stage, and let the readers add information of their own. Let them form a community around the information you’ve packaged for them. via Ingram. Thinking about media as a platform – Matt McAlister
MediaShift . Digging Deeper::Hyper-Local Citizen Media Sites Learn How to Serve Small Communities | PBS
Lessons learned from some hyperlocal efforts: Work hard, seed clouds, don’t expect instant profit, build community by example, cheerlead. MediaShift . Digging Deeper::Hyper-Local Citizen Media Sites Learn How to Serve Small Communities | PBS
Crosscut Seattle
Local news from locals and aggregated from professional news sources. Can this work in a city the size of Seattle? Probably. Crosscut Seattle
Act now or buy later – Lucas Grindley
“In all of our markets, there is room for just one PoliticsNJ. Just one. So act fast or later you’ll find yourself opening the company’s wallet to buy a competitor.” Act now or buy later – Lucas Grindley
Community | share.triangle.com
Raliegh, NC newspaper’s newish community site. Nice, feature rich, lots of buttons to push, pretty clean and clear. Makes it look easy to participate. Runs on Drupal. Community | share.triangle.com