Tag: censorship
Mark Fiore can win a Pulitzer Prize, but he can’t get his iPhone cartoon app past Apple’s satire police
Awkward, isn’t it, Apple? To censor the App Store, keeping it free from the offensive nature of these Pulitzer Prize winning political cartoons? Mark Fiore can win a Pulitzer Prize, but he can’t get his iPhone cartoon app past Apple’s satire police
Anonymous Blogging with WordPress and Tor – …My heart’s in Accra
Detailed instructions on how to blog anonymously with WordPress from Ethan Zuckerman of Global Voices. Anonymous Blogging with WordPress and Tor – …My heart’s in Accra
Google Removes Its Help Entry on Censorship, More News
Google Blogoscoped has the dope on what Google’s leaving out of their motto these days. (Hint: it’s not the word “evil”). Google Removes Its Help Entry on Censorship, More News