Category: Newstangle
Workspace: Great notes on a home office setup, including an adjustable desk that isn’t always standing or sitting, plus a “thinking chair” for lean-back time. From Trent Walton.
The newspaper that almost seized the future
The newspaper that almost seized the future: The amazing true story of digital innovation and atrophy over more years than you’d expect at the San Jose Mercury News, from CJR.
Introduction to open-source GIS tools for journalists
Introduction to open-source GIS tools for journalists: GIS software is expensive, right? Wait, there are open source GIS tools now? And Matt Wynn wrote up a few for Poynter? Let me mash my mouse on that link…
Bootstrap, from Twitter
Bootstrap, from Twitter: Wow. This is a full CSS library of sorts for that web app you were going to build next. Great treatments for forms, too. Even supports IE7. Spotted via Daniel.
q&a: brian boyer on the plan for panda
q&a: brian boyer on the plan for panda: Ben Welsh talks with Brian Boyer about the ingredients for PANDA, a Newsroom Data Appliance. PANDA will be a place for folks in the newsroom to stash their data, and a tool for helping reporters search and compare data sets. Trust me, your newsroom needs a PANDA.…
MediaNews Group Adds Paywalls To 23 More Newspapers
MediaNews Group Adds Paywalls To 23 More Newspapers: Please note just how small these 23 markets are.
The AP-Google Journalism and Technology Scholarship
The AP-Google Journalism and Technology Scholarship: “The AP-Google Journalism and Technology Scholarship program will provide $20,000 scholarships for the 2012-13 academic year to six promising undergraduate or graduate students pursuing or planning to pursue degrees at the intersection of journalism, computer science and new media.”
Adventures in Paywalls: The ‘Longshot’ Magazine Nagwall
Adventures in Paywalls: The ‘Longshot’ Magazine Nagwall: The Awl’s take on the Longshot “nagwall,” which is sort of a combination of a “sharewall” and “nudgeware” and… Well, call it what you want, but I haven’t seen it yet, after skimming 4 or 5 stories, which is nice. In other news, Longshot is excellent, and you…
Rupert Murdoch, The Master Mogul of Fleet Street—Vanity Fair’s Latest E-Book
Rupert Murdoch, The Master Mogul of Fleet Street—Vanity Fair’s Latest E-Book: A wise approach to turning your archives into a revenue source beyond what SEO and topic pages bring. Package your best stories about a given topic as an e-book, a Kindle Single, a PDF download, with a short design cycle and potentially, a big…
What Are The 20 Most Expensive Keyword Categories In Google AdWords?
What Are The 20 Most Expensive Keyword Categories In Google AdWords?: I feel like this list and its evolution over time provides us with a really depressing mirror directed at our commercial society. “11. Conference Call”