Well that was cool. SJSU Photojournalism Prof/blogger Dennis Dunleavy invited me up to his class to hear Steve Sloan, SJSU Emerging Tech Guru & general technological evangelist, who riffed on podcasting and tablets in education.
Steve wants to get together a few SJSU/JMC bloggers for a podcast-friendly interview soon – i’ll link to it here as soon as it’s online.
If you’re one of the people I talked to after the class about blogs, RSS feeds, podcasts, etc. – drop me an email at ryansholin@yahoo.com and I’ll send you a sort of selected “share these feeds” thing from bloglines – or just click here: FULL BLOGROLL or on the same link on the left sidebar to get a look at everything I’m reading. Be warned, I don’t read all of that every day.
The easiest place to start your blog? Still Blogger.
Blog Link + email + Handshake = the new calculus of communication.
Heh, of course that works in reverse order, too!